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Update on Coaches Certification Clinic

From October 25 – 27th, the British Columbia Wrestling Association is offering a 3 day multi-level coaching certification weekend for coaches. This is a great opportunity to get started, stay motivated on your path towards coaching skills development and earn professional development points to maintain current coaching status. This coaching certification clinic will include:

  • Community Coach Clinic (Kids wrestling, Volunteer Coaching)

  • NCCP Part A Wrestling Certification/ Sport Coach

  • NCCP Part B Wrestling Certification/ Club Coach  (Standard requirement to coach at the Nationals)

  • Opportunity to earn Professional Development points

​***NCCP Certification is valid for no longer than 5 years and Professional Development points are required to maintain certification.***

​Preregistration for the clinic is required by October 18th and clinics will only run if a minimum of 8 people register.

​Please contact or phone 604-737-3092 to register. Payment can be made by cash, cheque (made out to BC Wrestling) or credit card. 

We encourage you all to attend, for more information please see the attached clinic flyer (pdf).

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