See the full story at: Bill Mitchell - More Than a Coach - 2020 Inductee Spotlight

BC coach Bill Mitchell will be inducted into the BC Sports Hall of Fame. Coaching at Centennial for over 28 years, Bill dedicated his time to molding and growing athletes across the province, country and world.
"So we’re here to celebrate Bill Mitchell the coach, but based on anecdotes such as this, you can make the argument that Bill was much more than that to his wrestlers. He was a father figure, a mentor, a counsellor, whatever his athletes needed....To coach his athletes to the pinnacle of world sport and to develop them into well-rounded, confident and contributing members of society was Bill’s lifelong passion. No achievement represented this better than participating in the 1988 Olympics Games, which he often called his proudest moment. Walking into the Seoul Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremonies as the Canadian wrestling team’s manager alongside wrestlers he’d nurtured and developed over many years was almost too much for him. Bill had tears in his eyes as he waved to the cheering thousands in that stadium. Millions more watched on TV including an army of his athletes thrilled for the man who was so much more than a coach for them."
See the full story at: Bill Mitchell - More Than a Coach - 2020 Inductee Spotlight