Criminal Record Check
Risk management allows organizations to identify and assess possible sources of harm, and take steps to decrease or prevent it from occurring. We must include evidence of procedures, processes and documents which show our organization’s commitment to maintaining the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Volunteers or employees of the Association or member club, who at any time could be expected to:
be with any minor aged person;
be entrusted with performing financial duties;
be responsible for book keeping or bank account(s);
Coaches must have on file the results of a criminal record check completed from an agency approved by the Association.
Please remember that criminal record checks are Required for all Coaches over the age of 18 that are involved in BC Wrestling. These criminal record checks need to be completed once every three years.
Also, it is the responsibility of the club/team to ensure that all volunteers that are associated within their program, have completed a criminal records check.
If you have not submitted a criminal record check or if it has been three years since you last submitted one, please use one of these approved agencies
Municipal Police Departments (Contact BC Wrestling Office for Volunteer Criminal Record Check Form)
To obtain a Volunteer Criminal Record Check free of charge, please fill out the Volunteer Coaches Criminal Record Check Request Form below and present it to your local RCMP or Police Department.
Note* this policy will be updated to reflect alignment with WCL and viaSports mandate