Coach Education Subsidy Program
BC Wrestling Association recognizes the need for continued development of coaches at all levels. BCWA partners with WCL and other supporters to deliver NCCP workshops and provides training and certification for wrestling coaches across BC. To encourage and assist coaches in their coaching development pathway, BCWA will provide financial support to qualified coaches in their pursuit of coach development.
For more information, please review the BCWA Coach Education Program Subsidy Application Form below:
BCWA’s Travel Grant Program
KidSport Grant
KidSport is a community-based sport funding program which provides grants for children aged 18 and under from families facing financial barriers to participate in organized sport. For more information on the eligibility requirements and how to apply, please read the KidSport Grant Application Processing and KidSport Grant Application Guidelines.
For more information, please review the documents below:
The BC Wrestling Travel Grant is allocated to offset travel expenses for teams participating in War on the Floor and/or the BC Age Class. All applications must be submitted via emailed to execdirector@bcwrestling.com. Subject line of email should include club’s name and state Travel Grant Application. All successful applicants will be notified by March 31, 2022.