Awards and Scholarships
A number of awards and scholarships are available to BC Wrestling members! To learn more about available awards and application processes, review the information listed below.
The BC Wrestling Association Athlete, Coach and Official of the Year awards will be announced annually. Nomination processes will be communicated to members via www.bcwrestling.com. Selection and presentation of award recipients will be determined by the BCWA Board of Directors and will be communicated to the members. The decision on the recipients by the BCWA Board of Directors is considered final.
The BC Wrestling Association World Medalist Rewards Program recognizes the achievements of BC wrestlers at various competition events of distinction. Selection and presentation of the reward recipients will be determined by the BCWA Board of Directors and will be communicated to the members. Rewarding BC athletes who reach the podium at major international events provides recognition and financial support to our top athletes.
The Andy Laliberte Athlete Award will be awarded annually to grade 11/12 student athletes in a secondary institution based on commitment to wrestling, athletic merit, support to teammates, and leadership of the wrestling program at his or her school in support of the coach and/or other athletes. The Award will be presented to one or two high school wrestlers each year. The winner(s) will receive a bursary of $1,000 (one winner) or $500 (two winners) to assist in attending the Canadian U-19 Championships.
For all application rules and regulations please click on the button below:
Applicants must have competed in at least one BCSS approved sport during grade 12. They must be enrolled in a B.C. School who are graduating this year and will be entering their first year of full-time studies in a Canadian University or College. Applicants must have demonstrated exceptional athletic achievement in a BCSS sanctioned sport, have a minimum grade percentage of 75% and have demonstrated outstanding service and leadership in school and/or community.
Strong communities include strong kids. We believe all kids should have the chance to run, skate, play, and grow. Canadian Tire Jumpstart® is a community-based charitable program that helps kids aged 4-18 participate in organized sports and recreation such as hockey, dance, soccer and swimming, so they can develop important life skills, self esteem and confidence. Jumpstart Charities gives kids a sporting chance. Participating in sport helps kids develop physical and social skills. It helps build self-esteem. By helping kids get into the game, we’re equipping them with determination. And we’re giving them confidence that will extend beyond practices and games.
Canadian Sport Institute Pacific and their partners provide a variety of ways in which athletes can receive financial assistance. These grants and bursaries support the competitive needs of amateur athletes in British Columbia. To find out more, click on the button below: